Many of us keep on wondering or confused about where their relationships are heading? Sometimes it is tough to decide that the relationship is just strong enough to continue or might end soon. It’s a fact that many relationships which seems to be perfect, sometimes don’t last long because no one is sure that they
Six Sweet Things To Say To Your Boyfriend
Relationships often turn out to be big mess. Often we do not know the difference between falling in love and being in a relationship and you know how guys are. Complicated, sophisticated, irrational, it takes quite a lot to understand guys. But then there is always a way to do things and there is always
How to Move on After a Failed Relationship
Relationships are mystery and it gets unfold with time. I’m sure it’s just not me but many of you feel the same. You might have met your dream guy or girl last summer but with time you realized the differences between you and your love and you realized it’s not working out. Honestly, when you
5 Advantages of Being Single
We live in a society where people feel that you must have a partner with whom you can live happily ever after and for many people having a partner is a style statement. We watch romantic movies, read romantic novels or look at lovely couples having great time together and then think that we can
What To Do If He Forgets Your Anniversary?
If you are reading this, it means that you probably might be in the shittiest moods ever! Obviously, we girls are superb in this field. We remember all the dates, the date when he probably first held your hand, the day that you saw each other for the first time, the day that you went
The Gentle Power of Small Gestures in Relationships
In relationships, we often focus on grand gestures and impressive acts to show our love, like luxurious trips or expensive gifts. However, it’s the small, genuine gestures that truly matter. It’s important to remember that these acts should come from the heart; as your partner can sense when gestures aren’t sincere.