We always wonder that when we miss someone, is it because we love that person, we like that person or maybe it’s just an infatuation? We keep on fighting with ourselves that what’s the reason for missing that person? Some time we also miss people we hate. Many times we also miss people we fight all the time but when they are not around.
But, when you want to continue relationship with the person you keep on missing, you need to be clear with your intention. According to me there might be following reasons:
- You also miss someone special when you are in love with that person
- It might be infatuation ( just for a few days ).
- You respect her/his qualities.
- That person is always with you when you need someone to lean on.

Whatever may be the reason, I would say it’s a very nice feeling to miss someone. You keep on thinking about that person whole day and night or if it’s worst you might start imagining him/her near you.

Many people feel that it’s the worst feeling to miss someone, but I totally disagree with this. I feel it’s the sweet pain and you can for sure enjoy missing someone. The only thing you need to remember is that you have to miss the golden moment you spend with each other. Please don’t ever miss bad times you spend with that person. Always try to cherish the good moments and it will surely bring a smile on your face.
Another thing which people do is to hide their feelings in front of person they are missing. You must keep your ego aside and convey your feelings to that person. Life is too short; if you love or you miss someone do let them know. If that person understands you, it would never ruin your relationship.
Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart. ~Kay Knudsen
What do you do, when you miss someone?
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My b/f and I have been together for about a 2yrs now and we both have a past with children but I found a txt on his phone from his ex the other night saying to him that his a lier and he doesn’t miss her I didn’t find a txt to her with him saying this and I’m worried about this they have been sperated for about 3yrs now and have been threw a messy court about the children and I was with him threw all this he tells me he loves me and I love him dearly and don’t want to think about this situation any suggestions…?
Hey Melissa, If you both love each other since 2 years then you have to trust him. Just with a text it’s kind of confusing that he still have feelings for his ex or not. May be just think about good times when you both are there for each other in ups and downs of life. And if you get any clue which makes you feel that he is falling for his ex then it would be better to communicate with him politely.
Why do we miss someone? Probably because you can’t bear losing a sight of a person whom you care so much. You have known that person for quite some time & enjoy each other’s company. You feel lost without him/her around…But it may become a problem..when you are torn between your friendship and feelings that you have towards the person. To make it even worse, both of you are already in relationships..long distance, that is.
But, I believe in taking chances. You’ll never know what you may get unless you give it a GO. Yup, that’s what I did. I’d come clean. I confess my feelings to him, my dearest friend/colleague, not knowing how he will react. But before I did that, I have prepared myself (mentally & emotionally) to accept whatever that he’ll say.
And he said..”I think we’re better off as friends”..& guess what? I feel SUPER RELIEVE!! He’s cool with it and yup, we remained as close friends until now. Since then, he has become more open in sharing his stories/secrets e.t.c.
I’m so glad that he understands me…he said, “Everyone deserves to be in love” and re-assure me that my confession will not change a thing (our friendship).
HooRay! 🙂
I don’t know if you’ll be able to answer my question, I’m new to this site. I miss her really bad. She told me she missed me and that she likes to look at pictures of us when we were friends. We were best friends and we wanted to date once but she fell for someone else. I got jealous and we fought a lot. We stopped talking for half a year or so and I ignored her texts. But I missed her so bad that when she texted one day I gave in. I told her I missed her but I feel like I didn’t give my true feelings. We talk every other week and text is our only form of communication as I live in a different town now. I feel like I want her to know how I feel but is it the right thing to do? She has a boyfriend now but he’s abusive and she told me she’s not happy with him. I have mixed emotions, I don’t know if I just want to be friends again or what. I’m not even mad at her anymore. All I can remember know is all the good times we shared. So what do you think? Why does she think of me so much of me yet waits a week or two to text me? Maybe she’s busy, I know she works a lot, but I wonder if I should let her know that I think about her all the time and whether its ok to do it in text. Please tell me what you think and I would really appreciate it. Thank you 🙂
Hey, I am sorry to say but I think that the girl wants to talk to you just because she is not happy with her boyfriend. It would be better that you talk to her clearly and find out she really loves you and ready for a long term relation or not?
After reading your comment I feel you truly love her and also forgive her for earlier mistake but before moving further make sure that she is also ready otherwise only you would end up in grief.
Hey, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, there are a lot of details I left out in my story. And I mean A LOT. I guess I was a little upset at the time and wanted a quick fix to my problems. A lot of my unsureness results from my low self esteem I believe. However, after realizing some things, I think I know what to say to her and when. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and trust myself on this one. I have full confidence she will want to be good friends again. If I told you every detail I think you would agree that we can’t just start a dating. I admit it’s what I want more than anything, but I believe before I can achieve that I need to accept the fact that things may not work out. I really appreciate the advice and I like what you’re doing here with this website. Keep it up! Love is such a complicated subject for some and I think this site really helps.
sometimes, you miss someone,,,, but you feel that this someone doesn’t miss you.,,,
Some people play with others feelings..
Hey Neil, If someone is not missing you it doesn’t mean that they are playing with your emotions. You can’t force anyone to miss you, it comes naturally.
Missing someones is make me suffering. But, it’s very difficult to speak my mind with her.
it is really hard to miss someone,
especially the person may not be with you in the future, he also has his problem
so terrible…should i keep on or i should push myself…… why missing? love ? or just miss due to loneliness? it is ……
I’m missing someone who I think i’ve loved for about 4 years we had a brief encounter not long after i had come out of a long term relationship 3 years ago, he is probably one of the most caring males i’ve ever met and he touched my heart i’ve never forgotten him there have been brief flings with others but he has always been in my mind, we would loose touch and reconnect he is very guarded with his feelings and i know he dosn’t want to get involved with me but i sense he cares for me too. I’ve not spoke to him for 3 weeks and I miss him like mad i’m trying to be strong because i respect the fact he dosn’t want to be with me but i miss our chats really badly he usually gets in touch but i’ve not heard of him how can I make this easier for myself part of me just wants to be over him I feel stupid for these feelings 🙁 wish it could be different but he’s touched my heart which is why I miss him so badly
sometimes you miss your family,old friends,relatives because they hold a certain place in your life. Since man is a social animal, he needs people around him. We miss family,friends but soon we settled down with the present and become normal……
But when missing someone makes ur eyes roll down tears, that is something related to pure and divine form of missing. Usually people do say “I miss You” but don’t really mean it. The real missing which makes u cry has something to do with true divine love and believe or not some sort of divinity is certainly attached to it. That missing leaves u restless but at the end u do thank god to give u such divine feeling. It doesn’t necessarily occur after breakup only, it can happen while being in relationship also…
well said bro ………well said Ashish…………my feelings are exactly the same . it is both pain and happiness . yes it can happen in the initial phases when nothing has happened and still many things are to be unfold . i thing there is something between us but i need to be sure . but i am sure my feelings are genuine , natural and pure…..let’s see..
i can’t say that when i miss him ” i miss him every moment every second….ya sometimes for love sometimes feel lonely without him…. I know that, he knows i miss him…. and i don’t have any other option to beside miss him… !!! even when i make decision that i’ll not miss him more & move on….just then i miss him a lot then before….. when i feel… he’ll never come back…just then my heart says to me he’ll come…….!!!
i can’t say that when i miss him ” i miss him every moment every second….ya sometimes for love sometimes feel lonely without him…. I know that, he knows i miss him…. and i don’t have any other option to beside miss him… !!! even when i make decision that i’ll not miss him more & move on….just then i miss him a lot then before….. when i feel… he’ll never come back…just then my heart says to me he’ll come…….!!! Its become a pain…. now even then the pain is sweet too
I miss my ex me and him dated for the summer it was great! But, once school started all over again we started getting rocky knowing we grade to different ones. Jealousy and trust struck in. Later I got texts and what not saying he’s cheating I took charge and broke up with him. WORS MISTAKE especially cause I found it was all a lie a month later. He started dating new people it hurt so much I tried getting him back doing everything but it didn’t work he lost trust in me, I too him hurtful things and just everything went down. We stared talking again as friends last month but someone got between us and just ruined it. We no longer speak he’s in a relationship it’s been 5 months since the break up and I’m not over him I tried moving on talking to new people, talking to my friends and letting it all out, I convinced myself its time to move on but something always reminds me of him. It really sucks, I don’t know what to do! Should I try talking to him? Being his friend? Apologize ? Or just let it be and stay missing him and do nothing at all that involves him?
I’m missing some one right now … And the pain is unbearable .. I don’t have his phone number. He doesn’t have a facebook. And he doesn’t have a email either…. Sometimes I wish I could tell him how I feel but I’m too scared because I have had my heart broken to many times, not by him just by other guys…. But I’m willing to take a chance and tell him how I feel …. Because I’m am madly in love with him… He is all I think about…. An I care about him slot an I really don’t want to see him get hurt …..
My issue here is that often when I miss someone, it’s not due to long distance. It’s often because despite close proximity, I can’t talk to them as they are mad at me or they’re no longer a part of my life
I missed her, she was the first girl that touched my heart. I truely love her. we were now best friend and we quite understand each other. sometimes i just feel letting her know my feelings, letting her know how much i missed her when she is not around. But im scared that once i told her the truth, she would avoid me and our friendship will surely be ruin. Shes beautiful. the most beautiful girl i ever seen. And im, well, me. Im ugly. our looks don’t match but our personality sure does. I know that im not her cup of tea but i really hope that she will still be my best friend even after she rejects me. can someone please tell me what to do, give me some advise please!
Hey Thomas,
We posted your problem on our Facebook Page and here are few suggestions from our readers.
1. jus convey your feelings ……….
2. Looks doesn’t matter personality does.. Be brave enough to tell your true feelings to your best friend..
Hope it helps. Best luck 🙂
My problem that at first i dont care if that someone is gone or not but after that its like im dieing because i miss that someone and iys like im just a buddy without a soul like feeling bored from everything i was doing when i wanted to cheer up in the past..i keep missing that someone every minute.
It’s hard when you miss someone so much, and you can’t do anything about it. Because having that space between the two of you, is the only way to make things right.
I miss the girl I pushed away about a year ago she’s my first real love for 3 years, any girl I meet I can’t treat the same or feel the same for bc my heart won’t let me I think about her so much. The feeling of missing someone is a lesson in my experience, she was my other half.. And it all ended bc I felt different for her when all I needed to realize is searching your life for someone is pointless when you have what you need right in front of you the whole time.
we miss people because we love them not because of they love us. if we miss someone and it may not be the same from other side, it’s ok. if we really love then they also will start loving us. it’s very nice hoping that they will, one day. but missing someone special is really good.
That’s sweet Adi 🙂
This has happened with me, i liked to talk to a girl but never took it seriously, but now when she’s not available m very uncomfortable. And thinking of her whenever alone.
Its a sweet pain, but still its pain.. Maybe i would hav to forget her, but its not easy.
This has happened with me, i liked to talk to a girl but never took it seriously, but now when she’s not available m very uncomfortable. And thinking of her whenever alone.
Its a sweet pain, but still its pain.. Maybe i would hav to forget her, but its not easy.
aaaawh missing is loving! keep commenting
I miss my second girlfriend horribly much. We dated 15 years ago, now we are in our early/mid 30s. We took up the contact again a year ago after a 15 year long break. None of us are singles and we don’t live in the same cities, but the moments we meet up for a chat somewhere are incredible! 6 hours feels like 10minutes and i just wish it never stopped, that we could be in that bubble forever.
Last time we met and about an hour before we had to part again, she leaned her head agains my shoulder for a long time and she let me touch her hair with my fingers, which surprised me a little. It seems like she misses me to, sometimes she texts me that she misses me, but i’m doubtful if she’s willing to scarify her current relationship for me. Why in heavens name did i break up with her??
my relatnship waz very different fm others all i wnt to say that i waz in a reltnship frm las 2 yrs she used to love me more den any thng in her life bt u kw wt waz d big troble is dt she doesn’t belive in god i am muslin she waz nonmuslim we loved eah other so much evn we cnt spen a single m int of life widout each other she used to makes promisse to nvr leave me n all n we wre ready to marry frm each other bt sudeenly she changed hee mind dt i cnt marry u n lfet me alone wif her sweet memories i dnt have any contact frm her nt even in touch anyone of her frnd i really wnt her back in my life really….. i cnt live widout my sweet baby…..
Hi Adnan,
Ask her whats the main reason for not marrying you.. If its religion then assure her that you will let her continue the same religion and won’t interfere in her belief. May be things work out. Best luck.
I do agree that we miss some one when we are in love with that person….but I have a friend who misses many of her friends at the same time…is it possible for any human being to miss many at the same time??? or is she just using the phrase ‘miss you’ to all? confused!…impossible for me to miss many at a time…please share your views.
I don’t understand what’s happening right now in my relationship. It’s confusing, because he has a girlfriend that he’s had for four years. But when they were on a break he cuddled with me, made out with me and then felt me up. While we were sober! The next day he felt guilty and said that this couldn’t happen (we were leaving for summer break in about 10 days at that point). He said that I was “right about if we had more time”, indicating that we might have been able to cultivate a relationship. It was awkward for a few days, but then the night before he left to go home he came over and we fell asleep together cuddling, and it felt just like before. Now he texts me everyday. He says he really misses me, and he just told me I was “amazing and beautiful”. But then he says his girlfriend came over, that it was great but he is “still really conflicted” and that he doesn’t know if he loves her or he is in love her her. These mixed messages are really confusing. All I know is that I miss being with him all the time, but if he is just going to go back to his girlfriend (which I honestly think he will do) then prolonging our losing contact will just hurt me more. But the hope that something might come of it keeps me going. I just miss him so much and it scares me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to stop talking to him, but I want him to want me like I want him- but I don’t know where he is at. I think he is probably confused about what he wants to. He says that he might come visit me soon. What should I do?
I am always try to avoid someone but it’s not easy. I’m asking her that you are in love? but she told me that no, never & at the time of college i loved someone but now i forget him and from that time also i don’t fall in love. When i asked her second time she was shy & say no. But now a days she avoid me also. I always trying to call her but she disconnect my call & if connected ask only how are you? If she change her mobile no she SMS her no to me but not more to talk with me. I’m very confused cause i don’t getting answer that she love me or not. How i know that what’s in her mind. Now she don’t meet me as well as not gossip with me but i thought that i also miss her very much but how to tell her i don’t know.
i was told her that “i miss you” from that day she totally avoid me as well as cross me. but i really miss her, why she don’t think about it? or can she also miss me? why she don’t telling me the truth? what she expect from me? can anyone explain the reason. if no any reason tell me what can i do for forget her. & i think it’s better for me to forget her.
And what if they don’t care that you miss them??
I am in a peculiar situation. Let me describe myself. I am an introvert by nature. I have barely spoken with girls in my entire life.
I joined a company around 2.5 years back and I went for a training. We had a girl in our group. She used to speak and interrogate about me. Being shy, I would only smile or answer in yes/no. One day, 3-4 girls and boys were seated in a flat and were talking. I was seated in a different room. Suddenly she started shouting my name and started searching for me. When she saw me, she started smiling and went away. On 2-3 meetings after this incident also, she would say hi or smile if nobody was around. I lost touch of her for thee next 4-5 months. I never spoke with her or even saw her properly. I thought she would have forgotten me. But again when we met, she would be giggling on seeing me. One day just out of the blue, she again called my name and said hi and kept on smiling.
3-4 months passed and I hadn’t seen her. Suddenly one day, she again started to stare and smile at me for no apparent reason. I felt embarrassed and started to look downwards. Later i started cursing myself for not speaking with her despite her numerous attempts to interact with me. Perhaps, i was selfish because i wanted to concentrate on my future career plan.
She is very beautiful yet extremely humble. She is very successful in her career. In the beginning, I never felt anything for her. But slowly, I started to miss her. I always thought that such things are a total waste of time. But the fact is that those small moments with her are the most wonderful moments in my life.
I started feeling very bad when i heard some people saying something negative about her. Normally, i would not pray for myself but i pray for her well being and also that she stays happy and cheerful forever. I left the company and wrote her a goodbye letter. I thought she would not reply but she replied. I could not read that mail also.
I want to express my feelings to her. I hardly ever spoke with her.So, she might think of me as a PERVERT. I hesitate thinking that she deserves to be with someone who is far more successful and richer than me. I am not that good looking also.
You must express your feelings. She is smiling and staring at you. She even replied your mail then you should not wait any more. Do tell your feelings and instead of judging yourself let her tell what she thinks of you. You never know, luck might be on your side. Best luck .
Thanks for the advice. I am going through a tough time. I am missing her badly but I don’t want to burden her with my troubles.
I will confess to her if I can get over this tough period.
I wanted to ask you a question. People see me as a very quiet and boring kind of person. She is very cheerful and has many people running after her who would be happy to have her as their love.
Do such kind of relationships exist in the real world where the girl is very amazing and the boy is pretty ordinary?
Of course, such kind of relationship exist. Good people look for a person who completes them in some or other way. Looks or personality really don’t matter when loves comes. May be you will also start enjoying your life once you are with her.
LOL….. ok, SS_L_BR, I hate to say this, but in the real world these things don’t just happen. Trust me, I know PRECISELY how you feel because for many years I used to be and think just like you. I used to dream about being this shy quiet ordinary boy who would meet some very amazing girl and it would be a sweet romantic real life fantasy.
Then I discovered that this is not how the real world works.
After wasting quite a few years of doing all the wrong things that I THOUGHT should work with women, I began to learn what REALLY works and doesn’t work when it comes to attracting females. The number one rule I had to get used to was “stop being a ‘nice guy'” in addition to several other things. I wont get into specifics or the psychology of it all. I’ll just say this;
If you don’t know how to approach her and tell her how you feel IN A PROPER MANNER that would increase your odds of attracting her, I wouldn’t do it. Yes, many people may say “just be yourself” or “just be nice” or “you’re the perfect guy and one day you will find someone,” etc. They’re trying to help, but NONE of this will get you anywhere (and I’m sure the people telling you this have no idea how psychology and attraction work).
Whether or not you want to tell her how you feel is up to you, but if you don’t know how to do it, how to say it, or even how to approach her in a correct manner, I wouldn’t do it … for a variety of reasons.
Nice guys finish last.
Don’t want to believe it? Just ask yourself this question:
How many times in your life has being a nice guy gotten you anywhere with any woman?
It sucks, but that’s just the way it is. Good news is you can always change and learn how to become the type of person who naturally attracts women (or people in general). I’m not saying you have to take my advice or listen to me, but I can almost guarantee you that based on the things you’ve said so far, the way you’re going about it will not work, and I say this based on years of research, experimentation, and mostly real life experience.
I’ve changed a lot over the past year (took me this long to realize what changes I had to make in order to increase my success with women) and I’ve noticed that I’ve had far more success over this past year alone than I have had in my entire life, and a few things I had to do were
*Stop being a nice guy
*Stop living in a fantasy world
*Stop listening to people who tell me to do things that simply wont work, such as “just be nice” or “just be yourself” or”tell her you like her” etc.
I don’t have enough time and space to teach you how to handle this in a correct manner, which is why I’m afraid t even get started on providing solid tips. I also don’t know what you’re like in real life, so I really cannot tell you what to do because the things I do with women may not work for you if you end up doing it in a way that comes across as awkward or creepy.
I feel very bad for you because I know exactly how you’re feeling since I’ve been in your shoes before. Up until a year ago I even had social anxiety disorder. I managed to overcome that but I’m also on the autism spectrum…. I wish you were here so I could show you how I interact with women and teach you some of the things that work and don’t work. This dream world where you’re shy and you imagine sweeping an amazing girl off her feet by doing something very nice and having her fall madly in love with you and being able to hold her, kiss her, cuddle her, hug her, etc. really doesn’t exist. At least not in America. It simply just does not work that way, and before I understood this, I was lost and alone, dreaming that one day it would happen. I wish more than anything that the world did work this way and females were attracted to nice, sweet, sensitive, emotionally caring guys, but…………… *that’s just not the way it is.*
But I cannot teach you how to change over the internet, and I can sit here and type and type and type, but… if I tell you to do something and you misinterpret it and you end up doing it wrong, that also wont help you. So, I can only wish you luck.
If you want her to like you for just a friend (or even not at all), then you can go ahead and tell her how you feel, because one of those two things are exactly what will happen.
But if I turn out to be wrong and you two go out or even end up in a relationship, PLEASE let me know because I’d love to prove to myself that nice sweet sensitive loving caring guys with fairy-tale romantic fantasies can get women, too.
I miss him so bad, it was just a fling and i fell for him but we had too much going on in our lives but i can’t help how i feel i thought i was over him util i dreamt him three nights in a row and i was reading google facts and one of them said if you see someone in your dream it means that this person misses you and i started having feelings again I miss him…
It’s real fact that both mind face this situation when you see dream. I realize this situation also but i don’t know why we miss them. if you like him and he liable for you, get his details and if you know everything about him then say him directly without any hesitation. I hope you getting reply from him.
Best luck.
thanks for the advice 🙂
The sad truth is we are missing someone and we are hoping they are missing us too…(
ya right 😉
This girl to whom I admitted my feelings a year ago told me that she wasn’t having the same feelings for me. We were very good friends, but the awkwardness that followed sort of damaged the relationship as friends. She became less and less available over the course of the next months and eventually we ended up just chatting online with each other like 2-3 times per week. I couldn’t see her in real life anymore because she had one to another college (not because of me!). Now the real problem is that, while I had accepted that she didn’t see me as anything more than friends, that she suddenly “disappeared” online more than 3 months ago and I have recently (last month) started to miss her very much… and I have the feeling that it won’t get better until I can talk to her again… 🙁
when i feel missing him make me so hard to pass the time all the time i have thinking of him. some time i told my my to control, but cant ….
my husband keeps photos on his computer of his past girlfriends.
my husband often visits the photos section of a certain past love-interest on her FB page. Recently I saw that he wrote to her how he was once so very much in love with her. Her reply expressed surprised and she began asking him when this was and why he didn’t tell her. He seems to miss her. What would be his intention of telling her of his past feelings?
Hey Chris,
Sorry to know about your problem. We posted your problem on our Facebook Page and here is the reply we got.
“I experienced same from my wife and divorced her! When we have a person in our life, we need him or her completely NOT partially…its simple. past shud remain past other wise it ruins the present.”
I agree with the comment. It’s better to move on if he doesn’t love you and look for other girls to fulfill his requirements. You need to be very strong to take this decision but again it would be better for your future. If you need more help or suggestions, you can mail us anytime.
Hi Chris
i think it’s wrong cause all don’t forget their first love & each person pass away from this situation. some express their love & some of them hide it. so it’s not important to divorse is the solution with him but if you realy love him then you spend your more time with him when he is empty & also express your love against the same without telling him. when he forgot all previous then he obviously miss you & think you are special for him. if you don’t belive then watch Hindi Cenema “Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam” I hope you are getting your answer from it. Best Luck.
am sorry Ruchi for replying your answers, but what i like good i suggest. sorry again.
Hey Dhananjay,
No need to be sorry.. Glad you contributed 🙂
I do miss someone.
I miss her a lot.
But she said she’s happy with her boyfriend now.
I still miss her even though it’s been quite for a long time now.
I miss her texts.
I miss how she cares for me.
I just feel I need her, I really miss her you know.
-to MM
please help me to know….:( am missing someone in which i did not see in person yet…he always in my mind whatever i do and I don`t know why? we talk tru chat as of now… why i miss him so much! please help me..? thanks!
Maybe u lrn to luv him already.
but he plans to meet me this july…
my Guy cannot go against their parents n v both love n miss each other a lods hlp me out n wat to do n he dn wan keep anymore relationship
I don’t agree that missing someone is a good feeling. Longing is a part of a relationship you go through. But its not enjoyable. I usually phone them. But its always hard to say goodbye. Its after the phone call it just gets worse. But it did help. Call it a short remedy.
I’m totally agree with you, Ruchi…it’s sweet pain…
Right now I am having a huge problem – keeping thinking about him all the time and do not know what to do.
We met each other 3 years ago when I was 20 and he was 27. I had a crush on him but he had a fiance at that time so we were just friends. He moved to another city 2 years ago and we kept exchanging emails from time to time. Also about 2 years ago he broke up with his fiance and has been single since then.
I visited the city where he lived twice recently and we spent a lot of time together. We went to the museums, watched the fireworks shows, and studied together in the library (he was preparing for a test and I just sat next to him reading a book). We talked a lot. I felt very comfortable and happy when he was around. I can tell that he felt the same way, more or less. We texted each other roughly once or twice a week for four months, but I kept thinking about him all the time. So far nothing has been said explicitly. Wonder whether it is more than friendship or not.
I will be out of the country soon for about one year or even longer. Probably he will not be available when I come back. Should I tell him my feelings before I leave or should I wait? Really not sure what to do and the feeling of missing him hurts! HELP and thanks!!!
Hey Lauren,
Of course, tell him your feelings. He is single and seems to enjoy your company. Express how you feel may be he feels same for you. Best luck 🙂
hello…:( my boyfriend goes in his country last night…and i miss him so so so much…even if we seen last night before he goes 🙁 he will stay all vacation…2 months…GOD!!! how i can resist????? i think i’m going crazy without him..:( to know him so far away from me…what can i do? even if i will talk with him…but it’s not like he is here..with me…damn!…what should i do ??? :((
I love my BF very much and he loves me too. The problem is when I really miss him alot and he is so busy.. I keep saving my feelings inside me instead of sending him a msg to not bother him or to not show him how much I’m crazy about him.
I have to focus on my studying, but what happens is I’m thinking of him so much. I miss him now so badly
I met someone during a training course. We were together and then he went back to Germany. After he left i realised how much i love him, miss him and want to be with him….life seems so quiet…dont feel happiness in anything….with just one thought in mind…will i ever see him again…will we ever be so close again…all this feelings kill me…but..inside myself….though it seems next to impossible…i feel one day he will come back for me ….i trust my love for him
i hv been married (happily married) from past more than 4 yrs and have a 2 yrs kid too…i started chatting and meeting with one of my friends husband..initially its was like casaul meeting and all get together …but after few months i started getting attracted towards him and he too was becoz i later found he is a flirt kind of guy.
but i never see any man other than my hubby…now the problem is i m not able to forget him i always with to talk to him and chat with him…he has treated me many times rudely than again he started talking and fights and patch up always happen and we still chat but we dont meet now.I know its wrong i should keep those feeling apart frm my hubby… i m not able to forget him .. i m already trying many things to forget him but i still find time ti sebd him text and miss him always 24 hrs…i feel irritated sick of him now i really wnat to get over my feeling >>>dudh but he again bangs my head :(( pls guide me i feel miserable
Hey Maria,
It’s better to start ignoring that guy because you are happily married and seems you regretting being close to him. The reason he is on your mind is that after marriage n kid, you and your hubby might not be spending quality time with each other and thus you found this guy interesting to talk and have fun. It’s merely an attraction.
To forget him, try to spend more time with your hubby.. Give surprises, fun and romantic dates, pamper yourself and get the spark in your married life.
That guy is a flirt and thus you have enough reason to get attracted to him. If you really love your husband then ignore him.. he might be just having fun with you without even caring about your feelings.. he is not worth for you.
Thanks alot Ruchi and u r right i will surely get over of him now…
thanks 🙂
Hii Maria,
I agree with Ruchi & close all things which are related with guy, better way you spend your more time with hubby & kid & work. delete all numbers, id related to chatting with guy. i hope you can possible to forget him.
Hey, hope you can give me some useful advices.
I’ve broken up w my girlfriend, and everyday i miss her, and really want to get back w her. i need to change.. if i really want her back. but it’s hard although i really want to. i get jealous over slight things.. what should i do?
And also, it’s her birthday at the end of this month, any suggestions for birthday gifts? 🙂
hi Ruchi, i really love some one… he proposed me before 1 an half year ago. i replied yes. aftr that our relationship is going very nicely. He staying in abroad. our relationship is completely long distance relationship. when he came in india i mt him 2 tyms. 1st tym wid my pops.. i dont kw y suddenly he started to ignoring me… bt after 2 or 3 more days back again he said to me that he dont wanna loss me. now i tried a lot 2 understand his feelings what he want but i failed…. some times he talked wid me very friendly… some times like a girlfriend and sometimes behave lyk a his enemy…. dnt know y????
bt i feel he loved someone who broke up wid him… who give up.his love…. i dont understd what he want… if i stop to calling…. aftr a while i got call from him. somtym he says that he ws wrong … he md mistaks bcz he not cald me. he said to me sorry. i dont know ruchi y he suddenly changed. y he sumtyms react lyk dat….. sumtyms i called so many tyms bt he nt pickd up call. and not evn responses ma phn calls nd after 1week or 2weeks back he cald me…. i alwys cried bt i dnt want to tl about this…. i dnt want to show him how much i gt hurt for his that kind of behaviour bt i dnt know wat he want … i said so many tyms wat he want bt alwys he replyed dat m thinking alwz negative …. help me ruchi wat i do….
Hey Diya,
He is totally confused. He don’t know he loves you or not? Make things clear as soon as possible, since it’s a long distance relationship it’s kind of tough to trust. I guess he hardly care about your feelings and calls only when he wants to talk. I don’t see any good sign in this relationship. Try to talk to him calmly, hope it works.
The reason why we missin someone is because of we love them,we need them more than they can even know
I miss someone a lot. Pretending to talk to them in my head is the only way I can make myself feel happy again or convince myself we will be together again although I know its very unlikely.
I feel like there’s not much point in anything any more. I will survive but I know there will not be much fun or happiness without them.
i am in a worst condition please help me,
we are in a relationship since 5 years and we don’t meet so often,we are in a long distance relationship
but now the problem is that
whenever he texts me ,i think he is sad and he too feel the same
i assure him that im ok and its just because im missing him and wanna see him once before death..but he still continues the same like u’ve got fed up,u’ve changed etc
it hurts a lot and i cry my eyes out
i really don’t know what to do
I have someone i miss, (my love) she’s totally driving me crazy. I have never felt this pain before, not atill i met her. Iam so fade up of this pain.