At one moment, it seems that she is totally into you and the next second she behaves as if she just couldn’t care. At one second, she is sure about you and the other second, she is all confused. So you also are undergoing the same stuff and are unable to decide what to do?
Six Sweet Things To Say To Your Boyfriend
Relationships often turn out to be big mess. Often we do not know the difference between falling in love and being in a relationship and you know how guys are. Complicated, sophisticated, irrational, it takes quite a lot to understand guys. But then there is always a way to do things and there is always
What To Do If He Forgets Your Anniversary?
If you are reading this, it means that you probably might be in the shittiest moods ever! Obviously, we girls are superb in this field. We remember all the dates, the date when he probably first held your hand, the day that you saw each other for the first time, the day that you went
How To Maintain Relationships With Your Loved Ones
Last week when I was surfing Facebook, I saw the profile of Neeta. My friend, or I would say my ex friend. Life doesn’t provide both of us enough time to catch up with each other. I saw that she updated the work space in her profile as ‘Assistant Manager’. Promotion obviously was a big
5 Awesome Tips To Save Long Distance Relationships
Two people far away from each other physically but yet too close by their thoughts, separated by distance but bound together really tight by love, even the thought of this makes people like me get starry eyed. Yes, you are right, I am here talking about long distance relationships. It’s really very romantic to be
What Are The Best Things About Getting Married
If you are the kind who would run away even hearing the term like marriage? High five! You are one of the commitment phobics like me! I am sure now you are wondering that if I am that commitment phobic what am I trying to do writing this blog? I am a blogger and over