No matter how much I share that you should move on and forget the past. However, I know it’s very tough, you always think about the moments you shared, want to say each and every little detail of your life, send silly messages and spend sleepless nights just to receive a simple “Hi” text. Moving
Broken Heart
Why Facebook Damaged Many Relationships
This social networking site called Facebook has pretty much became a part of our daily lives. Initially, its all fun to be connected to so many new people, talk to new people who shares the same interests, same likes., flaunt your life through pictures, express your mind by updating your status or joining some group.
5 Cruicial Signs: It’s Time to End Your Relationship
We always want to be in a happy relationship. Of course there is no relationship where you don’t have fights or different habits, but apart from a lot of differences, we always try to understand other person’s perception and think how that relationship is making us a better person and completing us in various aspects
5 Advantages of Being Single
We live in a society where people feel that you must have a partner with whom you can live happily ever after and for many people having a partner is a style statement. We watch romantic movies, read romantic novels or look at lovely couples having great time together and then think that we can