Every relation is described by the level of closeness but blood-relation is something which need no words to describe. Though, with today’s busy life, it’s hard to stay close to your parents & here I’m giving some tips which will make you understand how to make parents happy. Some time, small-small things in life brings big changes and keep every relation close and loving.
As soon as you step to teenage, you start developing confidence that what you are doing is right and stop thinking what your parents want to say. You start feeling that there is a generation gap between you and your parents but it never means that you should not respect them or start ignoring them. Giving respect to your parents can give them precious smile and happiness to them.
Here are few tips to make your parents happy:
1.Understand them: Try to understand their feelings, they loved you even when you keep on crying whole night, make them miss their parties, make home a mess or keep shouting whole day. They loved you without any conditions. Sometimes they want you to live life their way but the reason behind it is to make your future and life safe and happy. Try to think in a matured way and from your parent’s point of view.
2. Show respect: There is nothing wrong in showing respect to your parents. It will only bring happiness to their face. Even if you don’t agree with their thinking, try to make them understand politely. Don’t use harsh words on them, which make them unhappy or they feel hurt. Giving respect is best way to make anyone happy; it cannot be compared with any precious gift.
3.Spend some time: Forget all the tips and stop worrying about how to make parents happy. Time is the answer to everything. For parents, children’s are the best thing that can happen to them. If you will try to look into your parents heart, you will understand that they feel lonely if you avoid them. As our parents age grows, they start expecting more from their child. Thus, try to take some time for your parents. Take them to some family get together, picnic or just spend time at home with lots of fun and positive energy around.
4. Remember their special events: Always celebrate parent’s birthday or special events, it may be some achievements and celebrate it with lots of love. You can take them out for dinner, buy some gifts (which they want since long time) or just spend this special moment with them and make them realize that you care for them.
5.Show gratitude: Your parents done a lot for you and that are the only reason that you had you are enjoying your life with proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why not to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude by a card, flower or a hug? This will surely bring you close to them and bring memories which your parents can cherish forever.
You can never deny that your parents are more experienced than you, thus you should think and listen with respect what they want to say and try to keep your view respectfully in front of your parents. By giving small respect, you give them an invaluable gift that makes them happy and proud.
I would really love to get comments from people who love their parents. What things are you doing to make your parents happy?
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All valid points. I would say that respect, time and love will help you a long way. Some people take their parents for granted and when age catches up to them, it’s almost to late.
I can honestly say that 99% of parents love their kids no matter what. I tell my son that winning is not important as long as he tries his best and that I will always love him no matter what. I think I have stamped that into his brain for life.
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The main problem is taking your parents granted. Kids knows that parents is going to support him/her no matter what he do. Thus, he start ignoring parents.
Other reason is generation gap. Kids think that they are more cool than parents and want to live life their own way and regret later.
rightly said ruchi…
Well, making your parents happy is a great choice for kids. No matter what they do and when they see kids do something bad, they always have to correct it. And if your parents love you so much, they will kiss you and hug you and you don’t say a harmful or bad words to your parents. That will make them more mad. But they still love you even when you cry the whole night. They can never stop loving you.
I agree with you Ruchi. I googled “How to keep your parents happy” and I landed on your site. And the generation gap thing has been nagging me from quite some time. I feel every generation thinks they’re smarter than their parents generation. This is probably because we use the same metrics to measure ourselves as ‘smarter’ against our parents as we do with our contemporaries (read computers, internet, gaming, coding etc). We should realize that they’re from a different time and they’re smart in their own way. That’ll bring us off our high pedestal and we’ll realize how great they are.
very true in my life
I do agree, but the thing is. both child and parent are responsible for this relationship. you say that our generation thinks we are smarter. we’re not. we know the same amount of things as the other, but we know different things. sure there is a generation gap. but do you want to know why? we just have different interests. school is different, its stressful, we rlease that stress on our parents. its not osmething we can always control. i love my parent and they the world to me. but we have different interests. thats our gap. thats what makes up different. and that might be a good thing.
the main thing is that what we do the parents are not happy with that so we should that thing by which our parents should be happy
Your blog is Sooo readable 🙂
.-= Anup@Hack Tutors´s last blog ..Some Thoughts and Voice Of Blogger =-.
Glad you like it Anup :).
Very well said.
very nice article, inspiring me alot,
i believe that parents do need most of your respect if you dot give your parents respect then they will most likley
not trust you if they tell you to do something and you dont show them respect then that shows them that you have failed, all of this advice is some that you should take and think about it. Maybe these small little things that you do will make you and your parents relationship closer also better
By reading all these tips , really i am feeling very happy and lucky. Now i really understood that my parents are the best parents in the whole world.
The tips thats been shared by you are really helpful.Its extremely important for the kids to respect and understand parents.They are the ones who taught us how to survive and become a good human being.
I just love my mom and dad alo……………………
I don’t know what to do… I show my parents respect, do my chores, and get good grades but no matter what I do they find little details to yell at me about. I’m also very athletic ( mainly to bond with my dad) and when I slip they threaten to take me out of sports. but other then sports my dad and I DO NOT get along. What should I do?
it happens, but they still do care.Maybe they are just stressed, try to understand them. That’s happened to me, then I was upset felt i couldn’t do anything to impress them. But u will learn as u get older.
thanks for this, this will make everybody know what have to do.. with their valuable relationships..
I love my mom and dad they are the only one who can help and make me happy and sad , who can understand the problem n give the courage to trvelling through out our ways of trouble. Parent’s words are worthy. Love you mom and dad.
my mom and dad mad way to easy so i want to make them happy
We always have to obey our parents
Parents are the best gift from god. I am a doctor and I am living far from my parents. I miss them a lot and when i really started to love them I went abraod to study for 7 years and after coming back here also I got posted far away. I want to stay close to my parents who spent one crore to make me a dr but they never expected anything from me. They educated me for my good and so that i will lift my generation up and help my society as well. They are gods greatest gift so dont hurt them. It will take time to understand this but once u look back it may be late.
I’m Billo I really like your thinking and your point of view. i also love my parents a lot and respect and them. I’m not like other people that are teenagers and don’t respect or listen to their parents. I’m also a teenager but i don’t all the stuff that they do and disobey their parents.
Thanks for reading my comment or point of view.
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Hey Aman,
Sure, you can know about blogging and if you want to know everything about blogging then do visit ShoutMeLoud blog, you will get all your blogging queries resolved.
Sooo I see a lot of parents points of views and I appreciate them but I will give you this from a teens point of view, a parents emotions are to be accounted for but so should the teens, this isn’t just about the parents. Parents should think about their kids feelings too after all the way we’re treated when we’re younger will result in something we lack as we get older. Parents do not just get respect it has to be earned you respect us well respect you. Simple. I do love my parents but when I do those things it makes me feel trapped, and like I can’t say anything or I’ll make them angry. Or like I can’t tell them anything that I’ve done or need help with because I’m afraid of disappointing them or being “disrespectful”. I also want to see the world and not feel imprisoned, yes I know they’re trying to protect me from things but I think it’s best to let us learn (this is my opinion please don’t back lash me)
After reading this I realize that My parents are the best persons.
I think it is very helpful and every time I go to impress my parents my brother always ruins it but then I some how get in trouble I do so many good things for them and they show very little respect any tips?
This is very true.My mom got happy just because i searched that up!!!
Well, making your parents happy is a great choice for kids. No matter what they do and when they see kids do something bad, they always have to correct it. And if your parents love you so much, they will kiss you and hug you and you don’t say a harmful or bad words to your parents. That will make them more mad. But they still love you even when you cry the whole night. They can never stop loving you.